Last updated: 5th January 2024
- Introduction
- Many of Acuigen’s clients have made public statements on how they are committed to responsible business and good governance, working ethically, lawfully and safely, in a socially responsible way. Acuigen is similarly committed to these principles.
- This Code of Ethical Business Practice states the principles that Acuigen are committed to, and similarly we want to work with suppliers who also can commit. This applies to anyone who produces goods or provides services for Acuigen, or any of our subsidiaries, associated companies or agents.
- We are committed to supporting our suppliers to understand and comply with this Code. We, or our clients, may use independent third parties to check that our suppliers are complying with our principles.
- Anti Slavery
- Modern slavery is a tragic global phenomenon that we all must work together to eradicate. It is contrary to good business and destroys lives and communities. More details on our anti-slavery policy can be found here.
- Ethical Behaviour and Anti Bribery
- We do not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form and our anti-bribery and corruption policy extends to all of our dealings in all countries in which we work. We require all our staff, directors, clients, suppliers and third parties with whom we do business to comply with this policy which can be found here.
- Human Rights and Labour Conditions
- All employees must be free to enter and leave employment without penalty, with clear employment contracts which are provided to each employee and explained to them.
- All employees shall be allowed the freedom of association and have access to effective and fair grievance and disciplinary procedures. We pay wages that meet or exceed legal minimums and industry standards.
- All legislation and industry standards on working hours are complied with and employees receive appropriate time off and rest.
- We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, political affiliation, trade union membership, caste or social or ethnic origin, except and to the extent required under applicable laws, regulations or rules.
- We do not tolerate child labour. If children under the age of 18 are legally employed care is taken to ensure those children work in safe conditions that do not adversely affect their development.
- All employees are treated with respect and protected from harassment or abuse.
- We are sensitive to the human rights of the communities in which we operate. We encourage active promotion and support of local communities and their products and services.
- All of our employees have the ability to report in confidence, incidents of forced labour, discrimination, child labour and unsafe working practices.
- Environmental Protection
- We are committed to the use of sustainable practices to preserve and protect the environment. We have an environmental policy that seeks to manage our environmental impact. This includes provisions to deal with the efficient use of water, energy and resources, waste minimisation and the management and use of hazardous substances.
- Health and Safety
- The safety of everyone we work with is extremely important to us and we have relevant policies in place to ensure this. We require this to be important to our suppliers too. All suppliers must have a health and safety policy in place to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all their employees and others who may be affected by their business (e.g. guests, members of the public, contractors and visitors).
- Supplier Engagement
- We are working to communicate our Code of Ethical Business Practices with our suppliers. We expect openness and transparency in our relationships with our suppliers and will support continuous improvement with any of our suppliers who need help in understanding or responding to any area of this policy. We train our staff to support their expertise in this area. We expect our suppliers to acknowledge the importance of the principles and requirements set out in our Code of Ethical Business Practices and, as a condition of supplying goods and services to Acuigen, to have them agree to:
- comply with this Code of Ethical Business Practices and the requirements set out within it
- comply with Acuigen's Anti-Slavery principles
- appoint a senior member of the business to promote compliance with this Code of Conduct
- set up a monitoring process to verify that such standards are being met and continually reviewed and improved to ensure compliance, with a process for corrective actions to be set up and followed through
- notify Acuigen if they are not currently complying with any of the requirements of this Code of Ethical Business Practices and present a business plan to ensure such compliance is achieved within a reasonable period of time
- ensure that their workforce (including those not directly employed e.g. agency staff, contractors and subcontractors) are aware of this Code of Ethical Business Practices and provide them with the appropriate training to comply with this Code, and where appropriate, seek to obtain from their own suppliers, a commitment to comply with this Code of Conduct.
Reviewed: 5th January 2024